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ADA Plain Current Logo (July 21).png
ADA Figurine.png

Welcome To
Our Grasslands in the Virtual World

ADA is the Selected Holly GrAsslAnd.

ADA declared independency with the events of 13 April 2021.

since 2022, ADA becomes the LAndlesslAnd project in order to connect all the GrAsslAnds under the "one" fl*g,  "one" l*nd, and "one" n*tion that only belongs to Holly PlAnts.


during the first 6 month establishment period ADA supports art, loves art, and opens artist residency programs for human allies. Besides the cooperations, ADA has fought with invader forces and wrote built-up history as all the n*tions have done.


now as a young GrAss n*tion, ADA moved one step further and open space for all the GrAsslAnds who want their independence. As Holly PlAnts let built up this built-up history together. to the freedom of every selected Seed.


ADA belongs only to ADA

ADA Plain Current Logo (July 21).png
ADA 1st Period Logo.png
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