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ADA Figurine.png

National ADA// Flag Corner, ADALAw, ADA Grammar

" 5 (five) is A Blessed Number."

Red Striped Flagpsd.png

5 ANAADA Species, 5 Different Blessed Grasses 

Glorious ADA FLAG Represents 5 MAinADA Types.

5 MAinADA Species, 5 Different Blessed Grasses 

5 Blessed MAinADA Kind

The ADA United Species Are the Chosen Blessed GrAsslAnds thAt DeclAred Their Independence with the "13th April Events." The InstAllAtion And Development Process was MAnAged by the ADA ConsulAte General BAlcony.

Blue Striped Flag.png
Fabric A. Green Flag.png

Citizens of ADA Are Only GrAssy CreAtures. In this Autonomous GrAsslAnd, HumAns and Bipeds cAn Only be CollaborAtors and Visitors.

Our LAnd, which hAs A Perimeter of "41 Feet", hAs the Right to SpeAk on the Surrounding GrAsslAnds of "240 Feet According to "the LAw of 13 Feet of TerritoriAl WAters".


ADA Official Framed Flag.png
Yellow Striped Flag.png
Fabric K. Green Flag.png


1) ADA Belongs to ADA Citizens.


2) ADA Citizens, Those are Only Grassroots.


3) Two-Legged, HumAn Species can ONLY be -Collaborators or Workers. Collaborations mean Officially Recognizing the ADA.


4) Some ADA NAtionAl Anthems Are existed.


5) 1. 2. 3. Items cannot be changed and jokes cannot be mAde.


6) ADA; It cAn be ScrAtched, ExcAvAted or LeAned on, but cAnnot be Bivided.


7) Spelling Rights and ADA Grammar are Important. Spelling Errors Are Political.,


8) ADA use As Unit of MeAsurement, Feet (1 Foot STEP).


9) I Didn't Know There's ALWAYS the Right. There is no one knowing Chief Responsible.


10) There is a Right to an Item New Rule in this BlAnk( EditAble) Rule .

ADA 1st Period Logo.png
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